The week after we got back, we were both attacked by 'post-vacation blues'. Now, back to reality. The first week after vacation, I had to practically drag myself out of the bed - and boredom starts to hit by sitting in the apartment alone. It's only until this week I picked myself up and started on my PhD work - which has been sitting idly for quite some time. Met my supervisor last Thursday - and managed to get my 'engine' started.
Will post our wedding pictures as soon as we get 'em and honeymoon pictures soon :) Cheers!
Will post our wedding pictures as soon as we get 'em and honeymoon pictures soon :) Cheers!
Babe you in KL now? Let's meet up for dinner? I work in DJ area and leave in USJ...somewhere bangsar shd be great. Let me know if you are up for it...
Hey babe, yeah I am in KL now. Dinner sounds good! I'd be going back to M'cca tomorrow. How about dinner next Tuesday - meet in Bangsar.
Hey babe, you have a blog! But I can't view it - access denied :(
haha believe it or not i am a virgin when comes to the online blogs. Still hv no idea on how to make it public or private setting whatsoever. I am still learning how to use this. LOL trying to figure out how can i invite you in Tues sounds good to me. for now no meetings after work hur have been schedule so let lock for it ;) I am going back to Melaka for Merdeka weekend.
Alrite, set!
yay! 7.30pm okay for u? nak makan ape?
7.30 is fine with me. Alfred is working in Bangsar, so he will tag along with me :) Hmm, what to eat - I let you decide ;) Hey babe, I finally could access to your blog :)
730pmokay with u babe?
lol okay i also dunno what i am doing with the access to my blog!. okay i ll ask Aaron if he wants to tag along! :)
koolios after kazzilion years we are finally hooking up again! :) looking forward to see ya :) and alfred
Cool :) so excited - meeting up after kazzilion years (as you put it) - after more than 13 years I think!
Babe! So sory to do this to you. But can we reschedule the dinner to Wednesday? :( Sorry - a meeting has been called for Tuesday evening and i cant get out of it :(::( ? What is your phone number again. I remembered you gave it to me and I hv no idea where i kept it.
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