Sunday, December 21, 2008


Last 2 weeks, I had been busy completing and editing a research paper. Thankfully I managed to send in the paper to my supervisor for review as per the deadline, which I promised. I am starting to realize that I have been spending more time writing research papers, rather than sitting and writing my PhD chapters. And recently, our EScience research grant was approved by MOSTI - which adds to the mounting pressure. I find it difficult to work in parallel from research paper and thesis writing. I've gotta find a way to prioritize - and try to communicate this to my supervisor. Good luck to me ;)


classyadele said...

Hey girl, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Writing research papers is a welcomed break from thesis-writing and good practice too, Im sure u know it's a totally different writing style altogther. Besides, research papers sometimes encourages us to think divergently, as we search for more literature review that may not be directly, but somewhat related to our research.

So it's a good thing! :) Keep it up. I love writing research papers - now if only I have the time and discipline! hehe

AGAPE said...

Thanks, Adeline; Sometimes I just get disorientated; thanks for your advice. I guess I just need to juggle and 'try' hard to divide my time. I must admit if I had the discipline like my supervisor, it would sound as easy as he make it to be. Yeaps, new year resolution - more discipline and more efficient time management.