Sunday, April 4, 2010

Movie Reviews

Alice in the Wonderland:
Since I have watched this story ever since I was a child (both animation and movie), there was nothing new that the movie could offer. However, the effects are great and the two fat boys are so lovable. Overall rating is 3/5.

How to Train a Dragon:

I never thought I would absolutely love this computer-animated fantasy film! It has a great storyline - combining love, passion and adventure- and great effects. And it is such a heart-warming story. The story revolves around a young Viking teenager named "Hiccup" who was under the pressure to follow his tribe's tradition of becoming a dragon slayer. He was often ridiculed of being too timid to become a real Viking like his ancestors. 

He goes around looking for a dragon and found one that is unable to fly. He had all the opportunity to kill the dragon but has no heart to do it. He eventually befriends the dragon and 'fixes' the dragon's tail so that it can fly. The moral of the story is that he proved to his father and his tribe that dragons are only dangerous if we treat them as an enemy. When they are treated like a friend, the soft side of them surfaces. I think this can be applied as a life lesson - often, when we perceive someone as an enemy, we fail to appreciate their true good nature. I would rate this film 5/5. I am looking forward to watching this movie again in 3D format - it'd be totally mind-blowing.

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