Day 6 (19/11/06) – Sunday:
- Got up early the next morning to see the sunrise from the room.
- It was a brilliant view with beautiful rays from the sun overlooking the loch and shadowed by the majestic mountain. Priceless!

Spectacular ray of colors!
- Decided to go for a short walk before breakfast. It was a beautiful sunny morning, though it was windy and cold. The moment we came out from the house, a group of 4 sheep dogs stormed towards us; they were all so excited and cheerful. It was a perfect morning indeed. So heart-warming; that’s exactly how I felt; and I could still recollect the excitement on the dogs’ faces.

Sheep doggies!
- We spotted another rainbow; a vertical one from the ocean’s horizon. How lucky! Priceless!

Absolutely spectacular!
- Had a fantastic breakfast that morning; breakfast made with affection; so definitely that’s the best! Had cereals, scrambled eggs, mushrooms (I loved it!), and toasts.

View from the dining room. Absolutely adore the dining room; very cozy
- I loved the interior of the house. Took some pictures of the bathroom and the rooms at the attic.

I love the design of the bathroom

The bedroom at the attic
- We bid farewell to the McKenzies and told them how much we’ve enjoyed our stay and that that’s the best place we’ve stayed so far during our trip.
- We drove towards Cape Wrath to check out the views from the cape. It was freaking cold there with the wind almost blowing my head out. Had a good walk down heading towards the cape.

View from the walk towards the cape
- The entrance to the cape is amazing.

Entrance to Cape Wrath
- When we went further into the cape, there was a spot (a small opening from the cape facing the sea) where the waves of the sea were hitting hard at the walls; roaring sounds of the waves and it was so crazy. It was like as if the sea is so furious and hits as hard as it could to vent its temper; and I understood why it is named the Cape Wrath. What rage it had! Got a little wet and immediately walked out; freezing cold. But it was definitely worth it!

Heading towards Cape Wrath to check out the extent of its rage! It is a fury beyond words
- We continued our journey heading towards southern part of Scotland and planned to stop over at Fort Williams.
- The view along our drive was splendid; with all the mountains (some partially covered with snow, some bronzed), the beautiful loch, the stretch of farms, all so amazing – views of pine trees with a chain of mountains in the background and the loch; a slightly different view compared to the route taken to go up north. I loved the combination of the pine trees, mountains and the loch, and also the farms; perfect!

Beautiful mix of colors!

Horses! This is the best picture ever!
- We passed by Loch Ness.
- I drove after that.
- I wanted to see the fall (which was on our way); the walk down the waterfall seemed endless maybe because it was darn cold. Took some pictures along the way. We decided to turn back after a while.

- Stopped for a while to take pictures of the snow-covered mountains.

Nice spongy-icy-cold

This is another one of my favorite shot!
- We continued our journey; didn’t stop for lunch since we had a heavy breakfast. Arrived at Fort Williams at about 4 in the evening. Most of the B&Bs around that area were closed; we drove round and checked-in at Chenderoh B&B (According to the house-owner, the B&B was named after the Empangan Chenderoh in Malaysia, which they have heard of from a Malaysian tourist who stayed in their place).
- We were greeted by an extremely friendly JRT; running around actively. The view from our room was amazing; facing the loch.
- Decided to have a buffet dinner at a Chinese restaurant nearby. The service was bad but the food was okay probably because we were starving; ate a lot that day.Had a good night rest after a long day.