Thursday, December 27, 2007


Day 13 (26/11/06) – Sunday:

- Had breakfast with Yasmin. We were both sad by the fact that I’ll be leaving the next day. Too bad I wouldn’t be able to join all of them for dinner tomorrow.
- Went to Sainsbury’s to buy some chocolates and cookies to bring back home. Packed up; tried to sumbat everything into the luggage (tough!); organized everything and finally managed to zip it up.
- Had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The food was fantastic; I had some potatoes, of course!

What a big serving! Doesn’t matter; I’d finish most of it anyway. Yummy!

- After dinner, we headed towards Queen’s Hall to attend the ‘Meadows Chamber Orchestra’. It was absolutely a brilliant performance. Sat for the first 45 minutes or so (can’t remember), and made a move after that. I couldn’t sit any longer. I have a selective attention span; put a few animals before me, I’d be so excited, not realizing the time passing. Now, imagine animals performing in an orchestra, keke.
- Went back to the hotel. Felt sad; leaving tomorrow morning.

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