And the best part of it was that we were the first person to move in to wash and clean our unit. We brought in some lamps to 'camp' in the apartment just for the sake of it. The contractors and the management guys were smitten by our excitement and enthusiasm, hehe. They exclaimed 'Wah, going to move in already ah? How? No light and furnitures!" We just casually said "Oh, that's okay, we brought in some table lamps".
After camping-in there, we understood why they were all surprised at our moving-in-right-now-act. There were still some last-minute QC work and minor repair work to be don- the condo was not fully ready for occupancy - we learned it the hard way, haha, after the attempt of staying over there for a couple of nights. First day - the water suddenly stopped in the middle of showering - and I was standing there stark naked with shampoo on my hair and foam on my body. And I waited and waited - and it all turned out hilarious as I laughed out loud - had to use the drinking water to wash myself. And then we got stuck at the unit floor because the lift was not working - and we were on the 18th floor! The Murphy's law started executing itself. A string of funny events - to reminiscence and laugh at in the future.
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